As indicated by the name, repetitive motion and stress injuries typically occur over a period of time and are not usually immediately obvious. Because these injuries are not as clear as something like bone that is broken bone from a slip and fall, it can be difficult to receive workers’ compensation benefits.
That is why it is important to have skilled legal counsel in your corner.
At Limonjyan Law Group, our workers’ comp attorney handles all types of claims.
If you are suffering from a work-related repetitive motion or stress injury, schedule a consultation by calling (213) 277-7444.
Helping You Prove Your Claim
Employers and insurance companies often question whether these types of injuries actually occurred because of job-related duties. This is especially true when symptoms don’t show up until a worker is at home. Our lawyers know how to build an effective claim for compensation and can help show that these types of injuries are in fact work-related.
If your initial claim is denied, we can also handle workers’ compensation appeals. These types of injuries should not be ignored or taken lightly. In the most serious cases, surgery is often required. We can help you get the medical treatment and compensation you need to begin moving forward with your life.
Contact Us if You Have Suffered Any Type of Injury at Work
We provide representation to people in all types of occupations. To learn more, call us at(213) 277-7444 or contact us online. In addition to English, or lawyer speaks Spanish, Russian, and Armenian, and we provide representation to workers throughout California.